Antidotes to Austerity: What can business do to turn around the impact of a recession?
Antidotes to austerity can be hard to find. Low morale and motivation are difficult to avoid during difficult times. Yet tough times are precisely when you need creative, motivated staff to pull you through.
Challenge the effects of economic hard times with our series of insight sessions – take an antidote to austerity.
Delivering Results
Re-structured or re-organised, reduced staff or resources, new group of staff in place, new team or new members to the team? Need to re-focus activities to deliver services in different ways with scarce resources? This series of workshops is for you.
Antidotes to austerity is a series of insight sessions designed to re-dress the balance and focus on building happier and more productive workplaces.
Our antidotes to austerity workshops will keep your leaders and managers fresh, challenged, updated and focused on delivering results in turbulent times.
We can deliver the 10 sessions that make up the series in a variety of ways. For example we can deliver:
- A one day overview of the complete series
- All 10 sessions as individual “bit-sized” 2 hour sessions over a period of weeks
- All 10 sessions in 5 half day workshops
- A flexible arrangement to suit your particular organisation
The 5 half day workshops, in particular, is a helpful way to focus on challenging the effects of austerity. The half day workshops take you through our antidotes to austerity model. The delivery model is explained here: leadership training seminars
You can find an overview of the Antidotes to Austerity series here…
Alternatively, you’ll find each of the sessions outlined below:
Antidotes to Austerity
Tipping point leadership – find the glass: This is a central idea in our series on antidotes to austerity. What leadership characteristics are needed in a recession? Find out how Tipping Point Leadership turns the tables on deficit thinking and makes the difference as an antidote to austerity.
What are the tipping points that can have a big impact in your business?
Regaining your business “mojo” : Business leadership skills come under pressure during a recession. How can you re-gain or maintain your business mojo? Part of the answer may well be in one way that ” mojo” is interpreted. Some describe it as “finding the magic in what you do?” This workshop will help you to do just that.
Resourceful leadership: Resourceful styles of leadership are essential when budgets are being squeezed. Before making plausible but predictable cuts, take a fresh look at resources. Having considered a focus on growth in this workshop we look at the other side of the equation, the resources to deliver your business. How can you view your resources differently, so that they are used more effectively and help you to support growth, doing more with less.
The customer comes second because……: Here we take a counter-inituitive approach to combat austerity . How can letting your customers come second be good for your customers? And why would it be particularly important as a way to combat austerity? Surely during a recession it matters more than ever to focus on your customer?
The missing advantage – Businesses are missing a vital advantage which in a difficult recession could make a big difference to their fortunes. What is this missing advantage? In many ways it is hidden in full view of us all. This new advantage has some significant benefits that can be realised without any great investment, other than that of investing your time. This is a low cost high benefit advantage right in front of us!
It’s all about performance – What is Performance Management: a vital question which is in need of some new answers in a recession. How can organisations outperform austerity? Many managers say they find performance difficult to manage and that it isn’t done well in their organisation: yet performance really matters if we are going to outperfrom austerity. The workshop comes up with some new answers to this vital question.
Manage your own performance – think energy: The best performance management approaches begin with ourselves. If you are going to ask others to challenge austerity, you need to ensure your own performance is up to the task! Find out how to be in the best position and shape to manage the performance of others and challenge austerity. This session introduces 5 energy strategies to help you limit the things that sap you of energy and cultivate sources that renew your energy.
Re-energise your teams – Why is teamwork important in a recession? If you have re-organised or restructured one of the first thing to suffer is the effectiveness of teams. Our workshop “re-energise your teams” takes a look at how to get teams re-focused and energised. In a recession it’s likely that your teams are under-pressure especially if you have re-organised. People may be in new teams, or new roles, or teams may have new challenges. If you can get your teams really working again it can transform your response to austerity
Re-thinking motivation when times are tough - How do you maintain motivation in the workplace during a recession? It’s one thing to motivate when things are going smoothly, quite another when times are tough. Our workshop “Re-thinking motivation when times are tough” explores some ways forward. Find out how to motivate yourself and how to apply 7 strategies to help you motivate your colleagues.
Extreme thinking – releasing creativity - Releasing creativity at work has never been more important than when times are tough. Our workshop “Extreme thinking – releasing creativity” encourages us all to seek creative ways of counter-acting the negativity of austerity. One of the most powerful antiodotes to austerity is to think creatively about how scarce resources can achieve more than we had imagined.