How can you stay on top of the sea-change in public services?
Don’t go under – surf the waves of change with our C-Change strategies.
C-Change interventions include: workshops, reports, guides, e-classes and toolkits. Use them to help your managers cope with stormy seas.
C-Change Strategic Solutions
Public services are experiencing significant change in the context of severe resource constraints. To manage this sea-change, we think it’s helpful to view it as a succession of three waves. The three waves are:
- Seeds of change – making sense of the situation. Seeds of change is the first wave of three in our C-change framework. It helps leaders and managers to makes sense of difficult changes
- Strategies for change: making it happen. We explore these strategies in Change management tools: strategic solutions to challenge austerity. What change management tools deliver strategic solutions to cope with sea changes in public services? How can we equip managers to challenge adversity?
- Sustaining the change – making it last. The critical change management process is to sustain change. This crucial final wave in our 3 waves of C-Change is the most important but it is also the most difficult.
Think of how these three waves combine to reinforce each other and produce the sea change.
We asked leaders and managers from across a range of public services what they feltwere the issues affecting performance. You can find out what they said in the characteristics of good leadership under pressure.
In contrast to these difficult issues we asked the same leaders and managers to paint a picture of what it would look like when public services were performing. Their vision is both a positive encouragement and challenge asking questions about what the Qualities of a Good Leader need to be during tough times.
Strategic Solutions Consultancy Reports
We have taken 8 of the strategies for change, critical areas within the sea change in public services and produced strategic solutions consultancy reports for each theme. There is excellent guidance and support in many resources, reports and documents within and around government in relation to these strategic issues. However, the sheer volume and breadth of this material can be overwhelming for managers, making specific detail and practical tips difficult to find. Our Strategic Solutions Consultancy Reports are concise and readable resources. They get to the essentials of the issue, sign post where you can find out more and pose critical questions for managers in public services to work through for their own organisation.
- Customer Driven – placing the customer centre-stage in our services.
- Choice: the opportunities and the challenges of choosing well.
- Choosing to nudge – using behavioural science and psychology to nudge desires behaviour.
- Coping, curing or cultivating early intervention and prevention – the game changer?
- Co-production – from services done to/for to services done with/by customers.
- Collaboration – developing collaborative strategies.
- Corporate Forms (New Models of Delivery)– understanding new models of organisation and ownership appropriate within the public sector
- Commissioning Intentions - towards a more integrated approach
Game Changers
A good place to begin is to take a fresh look at how public services might need to change in a tough climate. More of the same in dealing with reduced budgets is no longer enough. Increasingly we will need to find the game changers which can turn crisis into opportunity. What though are some of the possible game changers?
Find out more in our article: Thinking for a change: Finding Game Changers for Public Services.
You can also find out about 5 roles we think leaders can play to make a difference in difficult times. One of the roles we highlight is that of game changer: Uncommon characteristics of a good leader.
What our Clients Say…..
Here’s what our clients say about our strategic solutions workshops:
This has really influenced the formation of our new strategy. Would strongly recommend this programme.
A thought provoking enjoyable course which will lead to practical outcomes and better services for the customer.