A Key Business Leadership Skill? Impact!
The ability to make a positive impact is an essential business leadership skill. Leadership and management is about action, about getting things done. Ideas, discussions, potential, whether yours or your colleagues, count for nothing unless they are applied and put to work. Unless they make a positive impact.
Impact – is what results when ideas and insight lead to action. Helping you to maximise positive impact, in a timely and cost effective manner, is a key element of our work. Our input and facilitation will help your leaders and managers to transform ideas and insight into lasting benefit, for themselves and for your organisation.
Where do most leaders and managers learn most about their job? For all the importance of external qualifications, ask your colleagues where they’ve learnt most about their work. Their answer is likely to be: at work. For too many managers and leaders the link between what takes place on development programmes, and the challenges they face on the job, is too weak. It can be just too difficult to bridge the gap between theory and practical impact.
At Apex Leadership we think the key to bridging that gap is to remember the importance of thinking, talking, trying and telling. We are expert at maximising the positive impact your own people can make at work. With our facilitation, their good ideas, experiences and knowledge can be applied in ways that are most beneficial to your organisation.
- Thinking encourages time to reflect on ideas, insights, knowledge and experience. Positive Impact comes from a combination of lateral and focused thinking.
- Talking about these thoughts and reflections means they are shared, refined and developed by others in your organisation. Managers can begin to identify ideas which have potential.
- Trying options, by putting them into practice, takes these thought-through ideas and tests them to see what the impact will be on the business.
- Telling others of the experience then provides a springboard for promising practices to be spread more widely. Discussion about successes and exploration of other ideas can lead to real positive impact throughout the organisation.
You can read more about positive impact and our 4Ts model here. Having a focus on impact is a crucial business leadership skill. Without it we are often left with plenty of ideas and plenty of talk, but very little action or worse…. very little result!