Choosing to nudge behavioural scienceChoosing to Nudge, how can we use behavioural science and psychology to nudge desired behaviour? Government and academics alike are exploring how some of the new thinking about how we think and act might change the way public services are delivered. This is our Strategic Solution consultancy report on Choosing to nudge.

Some of the biggest choices we make as individuals can end up costing society.  This strategic solution consultancy report explores some of the findings from behavioural science, to assess their potential to contribute to a more customer driven approach to public services.  One strand of thinking has emerged in the context of Government’s role in helping citizens and customers make better choices. That is using the ideas from behavioural sciences to suggest that people can be “nudged” towards making better choices.

Choosing to Nudge: can insights from behavioural science nudge us towards better decisions?

In this report we’ll ask some critical questions:

  • How can lessons from behavioural science contribute to a customer driven approach to public services?
  • Can “nudges” help people to make better choices?
  • What are the opportunities and issues for public services associated with nudging choice?

Our Strategic Solution report will explore the issues and opportunities associated with nudging choice.  Key topics addressed include:

  • What makes us “tick”?
  • Two ways of thinking
  • Changing behaviour without changing minds
  • What is nudge?
  • How does nudge work?
  • Where does nudge work well?
  • Nudging in action
  • Why nudge now?
  • The limitations of nudging
  • How can nudge be used to improve the customer’s experience of services?

Choosing to Nudge: the potential impact.

Whilst there are cautionary notes to heed, there are significant incentives to think differently about some of the significant public issues.  Issues such as: health; obesity; teenage pregnancy; and alcohol consumption need to be addressed both for the public good, and for the impact they have on public spending.   Where appropriate, how can we help people to make the kind of decisions that will resolve issues, and make it easier for them to succeed?